Skip Dinner. Lose Weight.


Focusing on multiple smaller meals during the day and skipping dinner is a weight-loss strategy. Your body works wondrously when it fasts for about 14 hours, thus triggering your weight loss process.

Weight loss is the talk of the town in the health and fitness industry. People, sadly, are more obsessed with weight loss than maintaining optimum body mass index. The fitness enthusiasts have found several methods to encourage people aspiring to lose weight and get fitter. In this pursuit, several experiments have been done and there is boundless research on the eating habits and lifestyle changes that contribute to weight loss. Weight loss entirely depends on the body type, speed of metabolism and several other factors. However, it has been deduced that skipping dinner could be a gateway to added weight loss. Of course, there have been several rebuttals to this argument but it seems to be working for several ladies and fitness instructors. Skipping meals have always been a big no-no in the weight loss world. There are several risks and benefits involved in this practice.

Skipping meals can be useful to you provided you are able to stick to the schedule with discipline. If you recklessly skip meals, you could be gaining more than you are losing. It needs to be a comprehensive strategy to skip your dinner. By skipping dinner, you are letting your body fast for close to 14 hours. Yes, initially you would find it extremely challenging with intense hunger pangs and cravings. But, if you stick to the first few days, your body gets accustomed to the change. The concept behind skipping dinner is simple. Your body energy that is ideally used for digestion now focuses on flushing out toxins and releasing hormones. It also aids in cell regeneration. When we have several meals till late in the night and several snacks between meals, we are over exploiting our body and changing the way it functions. With time, the entire metabolism changes and results in weight gain and organ damage. Hence, skipping dinner is a refreshing start to a healthier body.

How to lose weight by skipping dinner?

Starting with a disclaimer, only those who can eat healthy for the rest of the day should consider skipping dinner. The whole exercise is futile if you eat junk food the entire day and fast after that. The concept circles around eating the required amount of calories before 6 pm. This should involve breakfast, lunch and two snacks. It is highly important to eat healthy the entire day. Since the duration of eating reduces, there is very less time to provide our body with all the necessary nutrients. Even snack options should be healthy and filling so that you are not in a constant urge to eat something.

Benefits of skipping dinner:
  • It improves metabolism. Metabolism functions the best during the early hours of the day. Packing in a lot of nutritious food during the day can cause improved metabolism rates as well as overall health benefits.
  • It improves sleep cycles. When you leave enough duration between sleeping and eating, you experience uninterrupted sleep, thus leaving you fresh and well-rested for the following day.
  • Sleeping early prevents heart burns, acid reflexes and bloating as your sleep is not close to a heavy meal.
  • Skipping dinner while eating only two healthy meals during the day, you are cutting down your intake of calories. Weight-loss relies on negative calorie balance that is you need to consume lesser calories than your body needs. Fasting for close to 14 hours can do the trick here!
  • The aging process is reduced. The practice promotes hormone balance. The hormones that reduce secretion after the age of 21 are stimulated by the hunger.
  • You can build a routine eating schedule. Regulated meals can lead to better muscle elasticity, better organ functions, and a stronger immunity system.
Health risks:

Despite the several perks of skipping dinner, there are several studies that are against the skipping of any meal. In the contrary, they suggest the consumption of a light meal for dinner. In the long run, your body balance in terms of metabolism and hunger control can go haywire. Also, fasting for too long can lead to an alarming drop in the blood sugar levels causing frequent headaches, giddiness, and fatigue. Finally, the irritation of experiencing hunger can also provoke you towards making poor food choices; the entire effort of weight loss goes in vain.

In order to achieve successful weight loss, you must make sure that you listen to your body and what it has to say. If you do not do so, you could be adopting a wrong practice that could cause irreversible damage to your organs and mind. You could visit a nutritionist or a fitness instructor in order to gain more familiarity in whether skipping dinner works in weight loss or not. Whether you skip a meal or not, you need to build a constant moderation in your food consumption methods to receive maximum results in your weight loss expedition.

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